Chris Sajnog announces the launch of his book.

How to Shoot Like a Navy SEAL Book Release

Hello everyone! In this post, I’ll be discussing the release of the book ‘How to Shoot Like a Navy SEAL’ and providing insights. Let’s go ahead and get started.

Recently there have been several top-selling books written by former Navy SEALs. These books have taken you inside the secretive walls of our elite community by describing some of our most famous missions.

Now you’ll be given a chance to learn how they completed those and other top-secret missions from one of their leading instructors.

Chris Sajnog recommends obtaining a copy of his book through Amazon.

I wrote How to Shoot Like a Navy SEAL to teach civilians the art of combat marksmanship, which is quite different from what most people are teaching at ranges around the country. Everything changes with the added pressure of death; your stance, grip, breathing — everything.

What works for someone on a flat range with the only stress being trying to beat their last score is not going to work for you when you’re dealing with a new-found adrenaline dump. I also wrote this book for those who cannot attend one of our courses due to cost or scheduling issues.

The book breaks down each combat shooting fundamental and discusses the differences between traditional marksmanship and combat shooting. The term combat shooting simply means any time you’re firing a weapon while off the range or under stress. So even if you’re not hunting down terrorists in fill-in-the-blank-a-stan, the lessons could hopefully save you or your family when you have unplanned visitors at 0300.

While trying to describe some of the techniques, I thought there must be a better way; and there was — video. I’ve recorded exclusive instructional videos to go along with the book and the only way to see them is through direct links in the book.

The How to Shoot Like a Navy SEAL book can be purchased from our online store, on where it is a best-selling book on shooting. The book is available in paperback, Kindle, Nook, and PDF.


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Chris Sajnog


  1. Chris,I had a question about natural point of aim. Is this only when shooting a rifle? I tried finding my point of aim with my Glock but when I do this I need to rotate my feet to the right (say 2 oclock position) to get the barrell on target because the barrell is always to the left of the target when I do the point of aim exercise. I usually stand in the modified isosceles when shooting but wanted to try out what you were talking about. On a side note I really enjoyed the book. Ive been LE for 15years

  2. Jon,Yes, you should use NPA with ANY weapon you shoot. Even if you’re trying to punch someone in the face, you’ll get the most power if you’re facing them. And it sounds like you know how to make the adjustments – turning your toes.Glad you like the book and thank you for your service!Stay safe – Chris

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