Chris Sajnog shares his tips about meditation for shooting.
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Simple Meditation Tips To Improved Shooting and Better Focus

Hey guys, Chris Sajnog here. In this post, I want to talk about the importance of having a daily meditation practice and give you a few simple meditation tips to help get you started.  What Is Meditation? We tend to associate it purely with Eastern religion. When I teach meditation, it has nothing to do…

Chris Sajnog offers advice on how to live a warrior's life.

Warrior Lifestyles: How Can I Live Like a Warrior?

Hi, I’m retired Navy SEAL Chris Sajnog, author of Navy SEAL Shooting, and one of the top 20 most frequently asked questions I get is, “How can I live like a warrior.” In this post, I want to share these warrior lifestyles to help you to live like a warrior. What does it mean to…

Chris Sajnog teaches why diet and exercise are vital when learning to shoot firearms.
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The Importance of Diet and Exercise in Learning How To Shoot

Hey guys, what’s going on? Chris Sajnog here, author of Navy SEAL Shooting. In this post, I want to tell you about the importance of diet and exercise and why these are vital components of learning any skill. Now, let’s go ahead and get started. A common question that I get is, “Why did I…

Chris Sajnog instructs meditation for stress control.
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Calm Under Stress: The Power of Meditation

Hey guys, I’m Chris Sajnog and I talk a lot about the importance of meditation and making you a better shooter. So in this post, I’m going to talk about how that meditation actually translates into keeping you calm under stress. So let’s go ahead and get started.  Meditation Hopefully, you understand the importance of…

Chris Sajnog teaches you how to begin meditating and stop your mind from racing.

How Do I Start Meditating and Stop my Mind From Racing?

Hey guys, what’s going on, I’m retired Navy Seal Chris Sajnog and founder of the SEAL training system. In this post, I want to teach you how do I start meditating and stop my racing mind. Now let’s go ahead and get started.  You’ve heard me talk about meditation and the importance of meditation in…

Chris Sajnog teaches the most effective shooting drills.
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Tactical Shooting Drills – 5 Best Shooting Drills Tips

Hi, I’m retired Navy Seal, Chris Sajnog, the author of Navy SEAL Shooting, and one of the top 20 most frequently asked questions I get is, “What are the best tactical shooting drills?”  5 Best Tactical Shooting Drills #1 Standard Drills Delay Our Mastery Shooting drills are one of the most interesting topics that I…

Chris Sajnog teaches the three Ts in preventing a violent encounter

Prevent Violent Encounters – Tips From a Retired Navy S.E.A.L.

What’s up everybody, Chris Sajnog here, and in this post, I’m going to be teaching you the three T’s on how to prevent violent encounters. Let’s go ahead and get started. Now, when it comes to surviving a violent encounter, a lot of people will just think, hey, I need to learn to defend myself,…

Chris Sajnog talks about the different traits of a Navy SEAL warrior podcast
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WarriorLife Podcast With Chris Sajnog 12 Navy SEAL Warrior Traits

What does it take… …to be a WARRIOR? Well, it’s not always about how well you can fight or how fast you can shoot. It’s more than just the resilience it takes to overcome any obstacle and accomplish your mission. In fact, there are certain “soft” traits that are just as important as the “hard”…

A twin Chris Sajnog and talks about why sleeping is important
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Why Sleep Matters for Learning and Sleep-Dependent Memory Consolidation

Hey guys, what is going on Dr. Chris Sajnog here, in this post, I want to make a case for why sleep matters and learning any skill. Let’s get started. When I first started teaching people to shoot online, I quickly learned the importance of how we learn, all anyone was teaching online or offline…