Chris Sajnog instructs on the art of really focusing on the front sight.
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Front Sight Focus – How To Instantly Shoot Like a Navy SEAL

Hey guys, this is retired Navy Seal, firearms instructor Chris Sajnog, in this post, I’m going to be talking about front sight focus and today I’m going to make all of you better shooters, instantly. How? By showing you what it means to truly focus on your front sight when you’re shooting. If you’re already focusing…

Chris Sajnog teaches how to focus while under pressure.
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Shooting Under Stress: Focusing on Front Sight Amid Stress?

Hey guys, I’m Chris Sajnog. In this post, let’s talk about shooting under stress and focusing on front sight amid stress. Let’s go ahead and get started.  I talk a lot about front sight focus and the importance of it when you’re shooting any open sighting system. But the question always comes up, “Are you able…

Chris Sagnog teaches how to measure your training in shooting firearms.
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Improve Your Shooting Skills By Measuring Your Firearms Training

Hey guys, what’s going on, Chris Sajnog here, founder of The New Rules of Marksmanship training system. In this post, I just want to teach you to improve your shooting skills by measuring your firearms training. Now let’s go ahead and get started.  Benchmarks One of the most common questions I get is how to measure your…

Chris Sajnog teaches how to shoot firearms while standing.
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Standing Shooting Stance: A Navy SEAL Tips By Chris Sajnog

Hi, I’m a retired Navy Seal, Chris Sajnog, and the author of Navy SEAL Shooting. One of the top 20 most frequently asked questions I get is: “How should I stand when I shoot?” Here are my tips on how to practice the standing shooting stance. #1 Gripping The Weapon The first thing I want…

Chris Sajnog shows how to shoot numerous targets.
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Shoot Multiple Targets Quickly and Accurately – Navy SEAL Tips

Hey guys, I’m retired Navy SEAL sniper instructor, Chris Sajnog, and founder of The New Rules of Marksmanship. In this post, I’m going to teach you how to shoot multiple targets faster. Now let’s go ahead and get started. Shooting many targets is really easy if you know how to do it. The problem is…

Learning to shoot any firearms with Retired Navy SEAL Chris Sajnog
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SEAL Firearms Training – Learn to Shoot Like a Navy SEAL

Hey guys, I’m Chris Sajnog, Best Selling Author of Navy SEAL Shooting. Today I want to talk to you about SEAL firearms training, the most money and time-effective way to learn to shoot like a Navy SEAL. Common Mistakes Some people make the mistake of spending too much time at the range which results in…

Chris Sajnog teaches how to increase the realism of your training.
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Stress Shooting Drills – How to Introduce Stress Into Your Training

Hey guys, I’m Chris Sajnog. In this video, I’m going to teach you these stress shooting drills and talk about how you can introduce stress into your dry fire training. So let’s go ahead and get started. When somebody pulls a gun on you and you are under stress or even at a competition, there…

Chris Sajnog teaches how to improve more quickly.
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Gun Shooting Tips – Fastest Way to Improve Your Shooting

Hi, I’m retired Navy Seal, Chris Sajnog, and one of the top 20 most frequently asked questions I get is “What’s the fastest way to improve my shooting?”. So here are my gun shooting tips to help you improve your shooting. Let’s get started. We all want shortcuts in learning to shoot.  We don’t have…

Chris Sajnog teaches how to train without the use of a shooting range.
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How To Practice Shooting Without a Shooting Range

Hi, I’m retired Navy Seal, Chris Sajnog, the author of Navy SEAL shooting, and one of the top 20 most frequently asked questions I get is, “How to practice shooting if I don’t have a shooting range nearby?”. There are a lot of people out there that want to learn how to shoot, but getting…

Chris Sajnog teaches how to shoot in a standing position
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Standing Shooting Position with the Carbine

Hey guys, I’m retired Navy SEAL chief Chris Sajnog and founder of The New Rules of Marksmanship training system. In this video, I’m going to teach you the standing shooting position with the carbine. Now let’s go ahead and get started.  The standing position with the carbine is probably one of the positions that you’re…