Chris Sajnog gives tips on how to stay calm during a violent encounter.
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Stay Calm Tips During a Violent Encounter

Hi, I’m retired Navy Seal, Chris Sajnog, the author of Navy SEAL Shooting, and one of the top 20 most frequently asked questions I get is, “How do I learn to stay calm during a violent encounter?”.  I just want to give you these stay calm tips that you can do to help remain calm…

Chris Sajnog's five things to consider for choosing a firearm at home
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Best Firearm for Home Defense – 5 Things to Consider

Hi, I’m a retired Navy Seal, Chris Sajnog, and the author of Navy SEAL Shooting. One of the top 20 most frequently asked questions I get is, “What’s the best firearm for home defense.” When it comes to home defense and having a firearm for home defense, this is really a tricky question. There’s really…

Chris Sajnog sharing his tips on personal protection

Personal Safety Tips from a Retired Navy S.E.A.L.

Hey guys, what’s going on Chris Sajnog here, retired Navy Seal and founder of the SEAL training system. And in this post, I want to teach you three Personal Safety Tips for your personal protection. Now let’s go ahead and get started.  A lot of times when we find ourselves in a stressful situation, especially…

Learn surviving any type of violent encounter with Chris Sajnog
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Surviving Violent Encounters – Developing Situational Awareness

Hey guys, what is going on Chris Sajnog here, retired Navy Seal and founder of the SEAL training system. In this post, I want to teach you the ABCs of surviving violent encounters. Now let’s go ahead and get started. Alright, I’ll tell you first off, it involves much more than just protecting yourself from that…

Chris Sajnog teaches the three Ts in preventing a violent encounter

Prevent Violent Encounters – Tips From a Retired Navy S.E.A.L.

What’s up everybody, Chris Sajnog here, and in this post, I’m going to be teaching you the three T’s on how to prevent violent encounters. Let’s go ahead and get started. Now, when it comes to surviving a violent encounter, a lot of people will just think, hey, I need to learn to defend myself,…

Chris Sajnog explains how updating law enforcement training could significantly reduce shootings.
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How a Simple Fix to Law Enforcement Training Could Reduce Shootings

I know this will sound too stupid to be true, but indulge me: Google “NRA Official Qualification Target” or “LE Qualification target”. Or you can even Google “What target will I shoot at for my concealed carry permit?” You will see the unarmed silhouettes of humans. These qualification targets were not designed and are not…

An apple on the top of books and the How to Shoot Like a Navy SEAL Book
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How To Shoot A Pistol Like A Navy SEAL

Here we have the definitive guide on marksmanship for any semi-automatic pistol or rifle. This combat manual quickly became an Amazon bestseller, and it’s easy to see why. This isn’t a narrative or collection of personal stories, like so many “guides” are. There is no fluff to skim and no time wasted. This guide can…

Chris Sajnog with Family – Finding Your Purpose.

What Is Your Why To Train And Become A Better Shooter?

The answers will play an important role in your motivation and improving those answers could make the difference. Watch the video bellow for more tips. Click Play… If you know somebody that could benefit from this advice share with them this video. It could drastically change their view and so their approach making their training…

Chris Sajnog carrying a cabled pistol
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Learn How To Shoot Without Spending a lot of Money

Learn How To Shoot 1. Learn to Shoot at Home The number one way to save money is to learn to shoot at home. If you follow me, you know that I teach people to learn how to shoot at home on my membership site, and even through my books, you can learn to shoot…