
Chris Sajnog sharing his grip strength enhancement tools.
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Best Grip Strength Tools – What Tools a Navy SEAL Uses

Hey guys, I’m Chris Sajnog. In this post, I’m going to teach you not just the importance of proper grip strength when it comes to becoming a better shooter. I’m also going to go over some of the best grip strength tools that you can use at home to make that happen.  Becoming a better…

Chris Sajnog introduces and teaches how to use the advance focus string.
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Advanced Front-Sight Focus String to Improve Shooting Accuracy

Hey guys, Chris Sajnog here, founder of the SEAL training system. In this post, I will teach you how to use an advanced front-sight focus string. Let’s go ahead and get started.  I took a look at the front sight focus string, and I was thinking, “How can I make this even better?” I came…

Chris Sajnog introduces the CoC gripper
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Captains of Crush Hand Grip Strength Exerciser

Hey guys what’s going on, Chris Sajnog here, founder of The New Rules of Marksmanship. And in this post, I want to teach you how to use the captains of crush grippers to help improve your grip strength. Now let’s go ahead and get started.  Captains of Crush: Why is it helpful? When it comes…

Chris Sajnog demonstrates how to helix and its benefits

Helix Lateral Trainer – How to use it and What is its benefit

Hey guys, what is going on, retired Navy SEAL Chris Sajnog here. I am with my chiropractor, Dr. Peter, and we’re going to be talking about the helix lateral trainer. I use one of these at home, Dr. Peter uses one of his practice, and I have got an amazing benefit out of it. When…

Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club review by Chris Sajnog

Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club- Tasting and Product Review

In this article, I am going to discuss health and fitness and will be talking about my favorite brain fuel: The Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club. Every cell in your body needs fat to build itself. Almost every health expert will tell you that one of the best fats is olive oil. But there’s a…

Chris Sajnog wearing an essential belt made by KORE

Kore Essentials Belt – Discount and Tactical Gun Belt Review

When I was first asked to test out a few of Kore Essentials Belt, my thoughts immediately went back to my childhood. I have got over 40 years of documented experience wearing belts, wearing all different kinds of belts. Well, I sent Kore my first review and I realized they wanted me to actually wear…

The Best Gun Blogs of 2018 – Firearm and Meditation
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The Best Gun Blogs of 2018 – Firearm and Meditation

Best Gun Blogs Lists Gun Digest | Tactical Part of Gun Digest magazine, the Tactical blog is pretty much what you think—articles about all things tactical. Some of the must read articles talk about affordable bolt-action rifles and the magazine’s top pics for concealed carry handguns. If you’re looking for detailed information on something super…

Chris Sajnog in front of his laptop doing his podcast
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The Best Firearm and Meditation Podcasts

The American Warrior Show If it wasn’t clear from the title, this best firearms podcast is all about warriors and self-defense. Mike Seeklander hosts the show and is also the owner and founder of the American Warrior Society where there are forums on everything from guns and tactics to medicine and fitness. The John 1911…

Chris's 2017 Top Personal training book list
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Top Personal Training Books – Reading Lists of 2017

Recently I’ve had several people ask me if I had a recommended reading list. Although books and the power I believe they can hold have always been important to me, I’ve never really stopped to think about the ones that have had the greatest impact on me and in a sense, made me who I am.