Speed Kills: Learn How to Shoot Faster by Slowing Down [VIDEO]

Well, the easy answer is to pull the trigger faster! And unfortunately, that’s what most “instructors” (please check background) will teach. Sure they’ll make stuff up about manipulating the trigger a certain way or having a better grip…so basically you’re saying…do better…to shoot faster?

I thought I’d use my New Rules of Marksmanship as a starting point to teach you how it really works in this video about how to shoot faster. Although, it’s also about how to shoot more accurately…and how to have more confidence when you shoot…how to learn to shoot a pistol…how to learn to shoot a rifle…how to learn…to shoot…well, you get the idea. Right?

Thanks for all the comments on my last video. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below the video.

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Questions? Comments? Tell me this isn’t the best video you’ve ever seen on how to shoot faster in the comments area below.


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Chris Sajnog

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