Speed Kills: Learn How to Shoot Faster by Slowing Down [VIDEO]
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Speed Kills: Learn How to Shoot Faster by Slowing Down [VIDEO]

Well, the easy answer is to pull the trigger faster! And unfortunately, that’s what most “instructors” (please check background) will teach. Sure they’ll make stuff up about manipulating the trigger a certain way or having a better grip…so basically you’re saying…do better…to shoot faster? I thought I’d use my New Rules of Marksmanship as a starting…

Chris Sajnog discusses eye care techniques for shooting enthusiasts.
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Shooting Vision: Essential Eye Care Tips For Firearm Shooters

Hey, what’s up everybody, In this post, I’ll discuss the crucial topic of shooting vision and provide essential eye care tips for firearm enthusiasts. Let’s go ahead and get started. Okay, you might have seen the “Vision and Aging” series and figured it was for old folks.  To some extent, you were probably correct. Maybe…

Chris Sajnog emphasizes the significance of incorporating dry fire practice.
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Dry Fire vs Live Fire: Uncover Why Dry Fire Practice Prevails

In the topic of what is better in dry fire vs live fire, I’ll admit it: convincing you that dry fire is more effective than going to the range is a tall order. How in the world could NOT firing a gun make you a better shooter? Well, I’m up to the challenge, and to…

Chris Sajnog instructs on the art of purposeful training.
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Training with Purpose: Becoming a True Warrior

Hey, what’s up everybody? In this post, I’m going to delve into the concept of Training with Purpose, discussing how it can help you achieve your goals and become a true warrior. I posed this question to one of the USCG Counter-Narcotics teams that I had been training for about four years at the time….

Chris Sajnog reveals the seventh characteristic of a skilled marksman.
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Follow Through Shooting: The 7th Habit of Effective Shooters

Follow through shooting is a term that most of us have heard from the first time anyone taught us about marksmanship fundamentals. But it is also one of the most neglected. Maybe because it’s last on every list, shooters assume it’s the least important. However, neglecting the follow-through can negate all the steps you previously…

Chris looking at the sight alignment of the gun
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Sight Alignment – The Third Habit of Highly Effective Shooting

S. alignment and proper sight picture are the basic tools in the shooter toolbox. Marksmanship is measured in many ways, but most agree, if you aren’t hitting your target, you are doing it wrong. If you aren’t interested in hitting your target, all right, it’s been nice knowing you.  For the rest of you, let’s…

Chris Sajnog and the Fifth Habit of Highly Effective Shooters
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Breathing While Shooting: The Fifth Habit of Highly Effective Shooters

Now before I get attacked by my long-range brethren over the breathing when shooting issue, there are times when this technique should be used and that is when taking long-range shots. What is long range? That’s a topic for a later discussion, but for now let’s define it as any range that is nearing the…

Chris doing the pistol shooting stance
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Pistol Shooting Stance – The First Habit of Highly Effective Shooters

When introducing proper shooting stance, one of the things I teach my students is to have as many things pointing at the target as possible. This includes your toes, hips, shoulders and thumbs.  Proper shooting stance is a full body targeting maneuver. In a perfect world, on a flat range with no one shooting back…

Chris Sajnog instructs on incorporating a range book into your training regimen.
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The Firearms Training Notebook: Enhance Your Firearm Skills

Hey, what’s up, everybody! In this post, I’m going to be talking about the Firearms Training Notebook, a valuable tool for improving your firearm skills. Let’s go ahead and get started. Navy SEALS are required to be experts in a variety of disciplines — shooting, demolition, Close Quarters Combat, skydiving, and SCUBA diving, just to…

Chris aim a gun with both eyes open
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Learn To Shoot A Pistol With Both Eyes Open And Eye Dominance

What does that mean in English? Eye dominance and having a dominant eye, and using eye dominant shooting are normal. Most everyone is either right eye dominant or left eye dominant which just means your brain’s preferred eye for processing visual information is right or left. With both eyes open work together to bring you…