Chris Sajnog Training: SEAL High Intensity Training (The S.H.I.T.)
Hey, what’s up everybody? In this post, I’m going to talk about the Chris Sajnog Training – the S.H.I.T. program and how it can revolutionize your skills and mindset. Let’s go ahead and get started.
Ever since I started Center Mass Group in 2011, I’ve received continued requests for me to write a book or do a DVD on fitness. I’ve always said no because there are already enough Navy SEAL workout programs on the market and I didn’t want to just repackage what others have done. If I was going to do something, it needed to be a fitness revolution that stood apart from all the rest — something that no one even comes close to, not the “The Gazelle Freestyle”, not the Thigh Master, not even the Shake Weight!
Welcome to the Revolution!
After many years of training and running pre-production courses to perfect this scientific-ish approach to the first complete and total mind-body, ball-busting, man-making, Navy SEAL nothing harder ever program, I introduce the manliest training program you will ever do (or could even think of)— The SEAL High Intensity Training program! The S.H.I.T. was designed and is run by retired Navy SEAL Sniper Instructor, Chris “Snowman” Sajnog.
The S.H.I.T. combines aspects of:
- CrossFit
- Karate
- Swimming
- Marksmanship
- Knot Tying
- Trail running
- Deep thinking
- Buddy Lee Jump Roping
- Strong-Man events
- Sky Diving
- Fire walking
- SCUBA Diving
- Close Quarters Combat
- Reading
- Rappelling
- Top SHOT Shooting
- Chryo therapy
- Diet/Nutrition
- Time-bending
- Under Water Breath Holding
- Drown-Proofing
- Soft Sand Running
- Drinking (Red wine)
- Meditation
- Log Rolling
- Mind Games
- Olympic Lifting
- And more…
This is THE S.H.I.T.
Next, in this Chris Sajnog Training, To design the program I wanted, I knew it couldn’t be contained in a book, DVD or even a series. It needed to be a hands-on course — AND NOW IT’S HERE! When you buy the course, I will personally train you for seven (7) straight days of the most ball-breaking training sessions you’ve ever done. Notice I didn’t just say “workout” or “PT” — THE S.H.I.T. is so much more than that! You’ll be dominated by me in my BUD/S or Advanced Training Navy SEAL T-Shirt and megaphone with new batteries for seven (7) straight days where my goal will be to get you to quit (all costs are pre-paid and there are no refunds). Each day you will concentrate on one of the SEAL 7 Fundamentals of marksmanship while going through a punishing gauntlet of tests of skill and manhood, but the exact details won’t be revealed until The S.H.I.T. is happening. Part of The S.H.I.T. is massive confusion not just for your muscles, but for your mind too, so the exact course details are TOP SECRET. But here is a sample of what one of your days might entail…
- 0400: You’ll be abducted by me and several other US NAVY SEALs from your sleep. Wearing only a hood on your head you’re thrown in a waiting van (black) and driven to the nearest body of water, where you’re tossed in and have to swim 2 miles with your hands and feet tied.
- 0500: Eat MRE (all meals included in price!)
- 0515: Read How to Shoot Like a Navy SEAL The #1 best seller on Amazon!
- 0615: Hike 20 miles with 70lb backpack. This is a good time to break in those new boots! (No socks allowed.)
- 1000: Drink some water
- 1001: Drive to your house
- 1030: Practice one-on-one CQC clearing of your home
- 1130: Drive to airfield
- 1200: Tandem Sky-Dive (Case of beer if it’s your first time — will be added to cost)
- 1300: Eat Paleo Pack
- 1305: Meditate on the fundamentals of combat marksmanship
- 1325: Dry fire concentrating on one of the fundamentals
- 1530: Drive to nearest CrossFit gym – Do Cindy + Fran + Filthy 50
- 1600: Drink more water
- 1601: Class on picking handcuffs
- 1605: Handcuffed and stuffed in trunk of car – Driven to Open Field. You need to get out of cuffs.
- 1630: MMA throw-down with someone 2 weight classes bigger than you
- 1700: Meditate on life
- 1730: Drive to pool
- 1800: Breath-holding and underwater knot tying
- 1830: Eat Steak. Just steak…and drink a few beers.
- 1900: Time to go to the range!
- 2000: Shoot with me, one-on-one instruction at whatever range you choose (and pay for)
- 2200: Clean guns — Wait, you can do that on your own time! Run behind black van in full kit listening to Metallica. No set distance, but just until you puke.
- 2205: Q&A with me, Chris Sajnog, Navy SEAL
- 2210: Drink some water, your breath stinks like puke!
- 2211: NVG Class
- 2215: Night shoot
- 2300: Knife fighting class
- 2330: Leave you at range with knife and you need to find your way home. Hurry up. We start at the same time tomorrow!
What do you think you would have to pay for this once-in-a-lifetime training event?
Remember this is seven (7) days with a Navy SEAL instructor, one on one!
Did I mention I’m the Navy SEAL instructor?
Not even close! This training can be yours for just
That’s only $10,000 a day!
Everything is included in the price. All you need to provide is first-class travel for me and my other Navy SEAL buddies as well as any expenses we have during the course. That’s it! We provide ALL YOUR MEALS…and the experience of a lifetime! So don’t wait until you’re old or dead to say, “I wish I knew what it was like to train with a Navy SEAL. I should’ve done that S.H.I.T.!” And don’t settle for anything less than The S.H.I.T. Slots are filling up fast so click the BUY NOW button below! Wait! Act now and I’ll throw in a Navy SEAL T-shirt direct from Bull-Shirts in Coronado, CA!
* After you click the buy now button, you will need to change the quantity to 7…PayPal will only make buttons up to $10,000 (lame)Warning – The “Buy Now” Button above is real…and so is this training!
Anything less than The S.H.I.T. — is just crap!
Alright, so that is it for today. I hope you got some value out of this Chris Sajnog Training “The S.H.I.T. Program” and feel inspired to embark on a transformative journey. Please share and comment on this post if you haven’t already, and keep paving your path to perfection!

Can I borrow $70,000?
Of course…you can borrow the money, use a credit card or I will accept gold or silver.
Awesome. I’ll just slip down into my mine out back, I’ll get back to you. Ha!
How about a big pile of pennies?
If you can carry them during your 20-mile ruck hump, yes!
Wait, your not joking around with Don Shipley or Dr Piazza are you? Are you? I’m beginning to wonder how many new students you have since yesterday- And thanks for all the hard work you did in the teams for our country, thanks for your service Chief!
John – Training hard and money are two things I don’t joke about. No takers yet, but I think there are some hard-core operators out there selling everything they own on Ebay and Craigslist to get the capital needed for this life-changing investment! You’re welcome John. I always say, I can’t believe I got paid to do the things we did! Hooyah! – Chief Sajnog
Chris- would you be willing to set a time/ score to beat? If accomplished within parameters the cost of SHIT is waived- and you throw in a free 3 day shooting course… Z
Great idea Z, I think that sounds fair – I’ll keep the score in my head and let people know afterwards if they beat it.
Can we start , no moon @ 2200 with a HAHO jump? need to access some 3rd world country for funds….
We can, but any custom requests cost extra…
Copy. Searching for financially rich target with diminished opfors