Navy SEAL Mindset Training: Top 5 Must Have Weapon Systems
Hey, what’s up everybody, in this post, I’m going to be talking about the Navy SEAL mindset training and I was recently asked for my top five must-have weapon systems as part of an article a friend is writing. Below are my answers…
#1: Your Mind

Mindset is one of the largest sections in my new book for good reason. In reality, you (your mind) are the weapon and anything you use to defeat your enemy is just a tool. Without the mind, any other weapon would be completely useless. When you train to use weapons, what are you really training? Your mind! And what gives you the advantage over your advisory? Yes, the warrior’s mindset — the ultimate weapon!
#2: Your Team

As Navy SEALs, we’re not rogue assassins, we’re part of an elite TEAM, part of a BROTHERHOOD, part of something much, much bigger than ourselves and something that is FORGED by living, training, sweating, and bleeding together. Without our teammates, we would be nothing. All of our training, all of our POWER and SUCESS comes from the TEAM.
#3 Your Support Staff

Next, in this Navy SEAL mindset, Yes, Navy SEALs are the tip of the spear. But how lethal is the tip without its STAFF? It’s sharp, yes, but it can’t do ANYTHING without the driving force behind it. For a weapon to be lethal, it needs to not only be able to inflict harm on its enemy — it needs to be able to find its enemy and sustain its operations, it needs…support.
#4 The AC130H “Spectre” Aerial Gunship

Never before in combat have we been able to “reach out and touch someone” like we can now with the AC130. It’s easier than calling for pizza delivery and they never screw up your order. I can’t even describe the feeling of POWER you get from driving through the streets of a country that doesn’t want you there, knowing there is an aircraft directly above just waiting for you to key your mic and give them some task direction.
#5 The UAV

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or UAVs are a force multiplier for SEALs and enable an exponential increase in our ability to find, fix, and finish targets. They work in the same way that I worked as a sniper, able to infiltrate the target unnoticed and gather key intelligence to make each SEAL operation that much more successful. By embracing the “humans are more important than hardware” mentality, SEALS have continued to redefine the art of warfare on the modern battlefield.
That’s my top five “weapons” list. Let me know what you would pick if you only had five to choose from. Next week I’ll list some of the “tools” I like to employ…
Alright, so that is it for today. I hope you got some value out of this Navy SEAL mindset training and the top 5 must-have weapon systems. Remember, success begins with mastering your mind and choosing the right tools for victory. Please share and comment on this post if you haven’t already, and keep paving your path to perfection!