Frequently asked question

After receiving thousands of emails I decided to answer the most
frequently asked questions below to save you time in getting your questions

Membership Information

New Rules Shooter is the basic membership. With it you get access to all the premium training content on the site including the members area, video blog posts, quick tip videos, email training tips and reminders, digital copies of How to Shoot Like a Navy SEAL and the eBook, the New Rules of Marksmanship. As a member you also get access to the Team Room, where you’ll get answers to all your training questions and you can share your thoughts and ideas with other like-minded shooters.

New Rules Defenders get the same access as New Rules Shooters, but they receive a small discount for serving the Greatest Nation in the world, The United States of America. This is open only to active law enforcement, military and first responders (firefighters and medics) working for federal, state or local government. Affiliation will be verified.

New Rules Warriors is my VIP level membership. The main additional feature VIP members receive is exclusive access to me. Each month I film a video for my VIP members where I address their specific training needs. I also speak to them on the phone and offer live video coaching. Many of my VIP members are firearms instructors themselves or shooters who value working directly with me and are looking for specifics on becoming better at their craft and implementing the New Rules of Marksmanship. Due to the personalized features of the VIP membership, I can only have 50 active VIP memberships at a time. If the signup page says it’s full, please contact me to be put on a waiting list.

Listen; if you’re concerned about quantity, this is not the program for you. My training is based on quality and nothing else. In fact, I try to make each video as short as possible as I know your time is important.

Please do not become a member if you’re looking for a bunch of videos to watch. This program is about learning.This is not a video training course. Much of what you receive will not be videos.

Much of the content you will receive is via email set to an autoresponder. This means that when you join, you will not get all the information at once (This is called “massed practice” and is proven to be very ineffective in learning). You will receive 12-months of scheduled content (videos, articles, PDFs) via email, in members-only posts and/or on your members page (This is called “spaced practice” and is drastically more effective).

I also occasionally add new content (videos, articles, etc) to the site and in the Team Room.

I don’t release new content just to release new content. I try to add at least two new items per month, but some month’s there will be more and others less. Becoming a better shooter is not about learning more; it’s about practicing and perfecting what you know.

Leave that to me. OK, it’s not me at all; it’s the secure system I use. It will automatically charge your credit card or PayPal account each month so you don’t lose access.

After you subscribe you’ll have access to your “my account” page. On that page, go to subscriptions > select the subscription you want to cancel and click on view. Lastly, click on cancel.

I believe so strongly in my training and the value I give to each member that I offer a 30-day money back guarantee. From the time your membership starts or renews, you have 30-days to cancel your membership. Once you cancel your membership the full amount you paid will be automatically refunded to the account you used to purchase the membership.If you cancel an annual membership after the first 30-days, your refund will be pro-rated at the monthly membership rate.

My website is designed to work with most browsers. I recommend the latest version of Firefox or Chrome. Some members have reported issues with Safari and Internet Explorer.

The old methods of going to the range, wasting ammunition and thinking you’re going to learn are what you should be questioning. Learning online is being done successfully in nearly every skill for a reason. You can watch me demonstrate techniques from more angles than you can on a range. You can watch the demonstrations as many times as you need — something you can’t do at a traditional course. You can ask questions and get answers to make sure you’re training properly. The only thing you can’t do spend time and money you don’t have.If you still need more reasons, see these 24 reasons my online training is actually more effective than a traditional course.

Yes. My rate is $10,500* per day after a criminal background check. I schedule 1-year in advance and am usually booked 90-days out. Non-refundable payment is required 30-days in advance.

Private online video coaching calls are also available starting at $997/hr.

* This includes travel in the continental United States. Business-class travel outside this area is paid by customer.

By filming training and offering it in a way where students can access the content when and where they want, I can train a lot more people, which spreads out the cost between members.



Members have access to a private forum — The Team Room. Simply post your questions there and they’ll get answered. For VIP members, I film a separate video where I give detailed answers and demonstrations where needed.

Not at all. This training is set up for you to go through on your schedule.

No. I offer a 30-day money back guarantee.

Website Information

The free eBook offer has ended. I’m using the content in the instructor manual I’m currently writing. You can still get a copy by signing up for one of my premium memberships.

I’ve moved all my comments to Facebook for 3 reasons:

  • To add credibility and quality to the comments: People can say they’re anyone they want on regular blog posts, now if they want to lie they need to create an account to do it.
  • To reduce SPAM: I was getting more SPAM comments than real ones and was paying for system to block them. Now Facebook does it for me.
  • It allows me to produce more content: By having comments on Facebook, other people will see them and check out my training. The more people that do that – the more time I can spend creating new content. I can’t answer 20K subscribers individual questions – but if they are all in one place I can find the most common ones and answer them.

Remember this: Facebook can only use/misuse information YOU GIVE THEM. You don’t have to use your real name, email address or anything else. It’s up to you. You don’t have to post any pictures or have any friends (though that would be sad).

If you still have concerns about Facebook’s old privacy policy, they’ve changed and you can now have a completely private account (or just as private as the email you just sent me!). Watch this video to learn how and I’ll be able to communicate with you there.

Due to my previous profession, I was as concerned as anyone with their old policies and the very real threat to me and my family if my information was not secure – And remember this, you can use any name or email address you want. So even if Facebook is working with NSA to steal your info, you’ll be one step ahead in this game of Spy V Spy!

If you need help setting up an account – Here’s a video showing you how to set up a Facebook account.

It’s most likely being moved to your spam folder. Search there for an email from When you find it, make sure you mark it as “not spam.”

It’s also important to whitelist all emails from To learn how to do it you can search online for your email provider + whitelist, for instance if you use Gmail, search for “Gmail + whitelist” and you’ll get lots of easy directions.

The content of this site is for responsible gun owners over the age of 18. The content is fine for children if it’s approved by their parent or legal guardian and meets all state and federal laws.

The Navy SEAL I’m teaching people to shoot like is me and I personally developed the New Rules of Marksmanship that I teach. Although I use the lessons I learned training Navy SEALs when I was on active duty, none of the material is classified and I would never disclose any information that would put my fellow frogmen or anyone else in the military at risk.

I signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement when I was in and it’s still active. I also still have an active security clearance because of the military units I train.

The information I teach about shooting is not classified…it’s better!

First off, I’m very sorry for the mistake or that something wasn’t perfect. Here’s the deal though. I’m the only person who sends out anything and I’m the one who reads every email. So if you want to tell me off, go ahead. Just realize that I’m not perfect and I do make (lots of) mistakes. If you are rude to me, I’ll remove you from my mailing list and block you from joining.

I’m honored that you’re looking to me for firearms, tactics, or training advice!

I have over 20 thousand followers, which is awesome, but I receive hundreds of emails every week and could not possibly reply to each one with the time you deserve and still spend time with my wife and children. I hope you understand.

Please search my website for keywords using the search box (on the top right of blog pages) and see if your question is answered in a post or discussion.

If you’d like to have the ability to get answers to all your training questions, I offer low cost memberships, which also include access to all my premium training content.

If you signed up for my free firearms training newsletter, you will not have access to the paid members area. To get access to the members’ area you will need to become a paying member by purchasing one of my low cost subscription memberships.

Send me a message via the contact page. I offer publisher discounts for books bought in case-packs.

The website is set up for memberships and does not have a shopping cart. If you’d like to order multiple items, please send me a list of items and your shipping address and I can send you an invoice for the total.

I do not have a range, but I do live in San Diego, CA with my wife and two amazing boys!

I do. My rate is $5,500 per day, plus business class travel and expenses. Private online video coaching calls are also available starting at $997/hr.

I try to keep it clean and I very much encourage my readers, followers and members to do the same. I do slip up on occasion, but everything I write I hope and expect my small children will read it.

If you post swear words, hate speech or anything my kids would find offensive, I will remove it. If it continues, I will remove you…from the site.

The dry fire I teach is everything you do to train yourself to become a better shooter.

As for the narrow definition of pulling the trigger of a gun without a live round in the chamber: If you’re using a modern semiautomatic center fire pistol, it’s fine. For anything else, use snap caps and your gun will be fine.

Do not use this as an excuse for not training!

Order Information

Go to your ‘my account’ page to check on your order or feel free to contact me.

We accept Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover®, American Express®, directly through the secure system or you can use PayPal.

Our servers encrypt all information submitted to them with the highest SSL settings, so you can be confident that your credit card information will be kept safe and secure.

There are many possible reasons for a credit card not being accepted:

  • The card is expired.
  • You have reached or exceeded your credit limit.
  • You have exceeded your daily charge limit.
  • A computer at either end of the transaction is having technical problems.
  • If you have problems submitting your credit card payment you can contact your cards Customer Service for help. When you contact Customer Service you may be asked for any error message numbers you received, as well as the reference number seen in the shopping cart.

Product and Service purchases will be charged to your card the day your order is placed. For subscription memberships you will be automatically charged each month or annually depending on your subscription until you cancel.

The site does not have a shopping cart, so each item will need to be purchased separately. If you would like to order multiple products, please contact me and I can send you an invoice.

The charge for your order will appear on your credit card as: “CENTERMASSGROUP”

The “authorization” amount on your credit card statement indicates that the payment information you entered is valid and the funds are available in your account for the purchase. The “settlement” amount on your credit card statement indicates that the funds were successfully deducted from your account and the transaction is completed.


No. Enter your credit card number without any spaces or special characters. It should be entered as a continuous string of numbers.

All sales tax is included in the cost of the product or service.

Yes. For credit card verification you must enter your billing address exactly as it appears on your credit card statement.

You can print a copy of your receipt from your email confirmation.

You can print a copy of your receipt from your email confirmation.

If you order a physical product, a Shipping Information page will appear during checkout so you can enter a shipping address and choose a shipping method.

Shipping Information​

Click here to look up your order and see the shipping status.

Click here to look up your order and get your tracking number. If it hasn’t been updated after 24-hours, send me an email.

I ship to all countries except those with trade sanctions in place with the United States and those that support terrorism or otherwise hate the United States.

If you live outside the United States, custom and tariff fees may apply according to your country’s import laws. These fees are not collected by Center Mass Group, LLC (the parent company of, and we do not have control of these fees.

Unfortunately, you cannot change your shipping address after you submit your order. If you made a mistake, cancel the order.

Unfortunately, you cannot change your shipping method after you submit your order.

Download Information

You can click on the Download button on your order confirmation screen or the download link provided on your emailed receipt. The link will direct you to a download page which will have further instructions as well as the download for the product.

To download something you have already purchased, you can go to you account page or utilize the download link provided on your emailed receipt.

No, you’ll need to download to a computer and then transfer the item to your device.

You will, but luckily they are all free.


I have a full 30-day money back guarantee. Please Click here to view the full policy.


I take your privacy very seriously.
Click here to view our full policy.


Feel free to Contact Me! I’ll get back
to you as soon as possible.