In this episode you’ll discover:
Chris’ tried and true methods of making, or breaking, habits. An informative Facebook Live stream that transcends beyond the technical side of shooting, and into the realm of learning and living like a warrior.
Show Notes:
[1:10] What exactly is fasting?
[2:29] Discover how many years has Chris been practicing fasting
[3:04] Learn about one of Chris’ biggest pieces of advice concerning fasting
[4:35] Gain an understanding of fasting- it isn’t unnatural, it’s been done since the beginning of time!
[6:03] Learn what the heck ketosis is
[8:35] Chris’ biggest recommendation when it comes to safe fasting
[12:40] Don’t forget to consider these two things if you’re thinking of fasting
[14:50] Discover fasting can impact other areas of your life
[17:30] Here is what you should do when you get sick
[19:00] Stop being afraid of these types of food
[20:01] Chris comes up with a new acronym for fasting!
Items mentioned in this episode include:
- Subscribe to my YouTube Channel
- Get my free SEAL Training App
- Join my Team!