Is the Official NRA Target Teaching Police Officers to Shoot Human Shapes Without a Weapon?
I’m retired Navy SEAL Sniper instructor Chris Sajnog and in this video I’m raising the BS flag on the NRA training program, and hopefully help open your eyes as to why it’s tragically too common, for law enforcement officers to shoot unarmed civilians.
We see it almost every day, another unarmed civilian has been shot by a cop. The news cycles back and forth about who’s fault it is – is it the cops? Is it racist? Or just someone being in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Well, I’m going to give you the answer by raising the BS flag on the NRA’s training AND every law enforcement trainer in the country.
Now before I raise that BS flag, you may want to put ear-muffs any new shooters – that’s right, I’m talking about BAD SHOOTING.
The reason it’s so common for police officers to shoot unarmed civilians is … That’s what they are TRAINED TO DO!
Literally – every police officer in our great nation gets just 50-bullets per year to qualify with their pistol. They are trained, under stress – to shoot at a black shape without a gun! So what are they going to do, when they are doing their job, they’re under stress and they see a black shape – without a gun?
That’s what their trainers taught them to do. And their trainers learned to do from the NRA instructor course they went through. But it’s not the officer’s fault and It’s NOT racist – it’s their training!
I want to fix this, with your help. Help me get the word out. Contact the NRA, your local police department, your state and federal representatives – and tell them to stop training law enforcement agents to shoot at black shapes, without guns!
I know it sounds too stupid to be true, but trust me: Google, “NRA Official Qualification Target” – or, “LE Qualification target” – or, you can even Google, “What target will I qualify on for my concealed carry permit?”
Listen, I can’t do this without you.
When I was running the SEAL Sniper course I was ordered to conduct training at a location I knew could make some of my SEAL brothers sick. I refused that order and was fired. Two of my brothers got sick with an illness they will live with forever.
After I retired from the SEAL Teams in 2009, I worked for the Department of Homeland Security, training the US Coast Guard’s Tactical Law Enforcement Team – PACTACLET – to conduct underway, nighttime, non-compliant boardings. They ordered me to certify them by conducting all of their qualification training in a building – during the day – shooting at? – you guessed it – a target without a weapon! For five years I reported major safety violations and unsafe training conditions to the command, but all they did was harass me. I ended up becoming a government whistleblower by reporting their unsafe training to the Office of Special Counsel.
The Office of Special Counsel ordered the Department of Homeland Security to investigate the US Coast Guard. The Department of Homeland Security, ordered the US Coast Guard to investigate themselves. Well, they investigated me and found that all training conducted by the US Coast Guard was 100% safe.
The Office of Special Counsel reported this to the President of the United States. Once this was done the US Coast Guard was free to fire me, which they did.
I provided almost 500-pages of evidence to the Office of Special Counsel showing that the US Coast Guard Lied to investigators and fired me as retaliation for being a whistleblower. Of course, the Office of Special Counsel couldn’t admit they lied to the president, so the Office of Special Counsel – closed my case. [Ask the OSC why these public files (OSC File No. DI-14-1450) are now removed from their site]
Well, now I’m retired, so no one can fire me this time!
But, I do want to improve the level of training my brothers in blue receive and help save some lives in the process. So, If you think that the NRAs official qualification targets – black shapes without a weapon are good…if that makes sense to you. Do nothing.
If you think it makes sense for your local police officers to train under stress to shoot at black shapes without a weapon. Do nothing.
But, if you want to help me save some lives and stop this BS – You’ve got to do something.
We can change this trend together. But we need a new training plan.