Social Media Commenting Policy

Comment Policies:
While I welcome disagreement, the presentation of conflicting/contrasting views and friendly dialogue, there are a few comments that will be removed:
1. Comments that contain links in them. To keep viewers focused on the content they intended to watch, I do not allow comments to contain any links, as to not disrupt the desired learning path of my amazing subscribers, followers, and friends. If you want someone to watch your videos, start your own channel.
2. Comments that insult me or other commenters personally. Remember: Attack points, not people.
3. Comments that contain sexually explicit phrases or words. I intend for all of my public content to be read or viewed by my two young boys and will remove comments that are vulgar. There is no objective standard for this. Comment removal, as it applies to this rule, is left to the subjective judgment of me and my comment moderators. I’m not an angel, but I am a loving father.
4. Comments that contain hate speech will be removed. We will remove all comments that contain insults and slander that attack someone based on their race, sexual orientation, religion or gender. I encourage the expression of disagreement, as open dialogue, carried out in love and respect, leads to truth. Disagreement is not hate, and I will not tolerate personal attacks in the comments.

In sum: If you are an internet troll, you will first have your comment removed. If you choose to continue, you will be banned from the channel. My goal is to help teach others, so the whole point is reaching those who either don’t understand something or disagree. That’s fine — that’s great! BUT – Be intelligent.

Why won’t You engage me in an online debate?
Why Debate at all?
It’s important to note that debates, if they are kept respectful and friendly, are beneficial in that they allow me to help clarify my points and help you learn.

Engaging Me in a Debate
Whether it’s YouTube, FaceBook or any form of social media, I rarely engage in online debates simply due to time constraints. If I do, the debates have to be:
1. Friendly
2. Substantive
3. Edifying

However, even in the case that an online debate meets the aforementioned standards, my schedule greatly limits how much time I can spend in an online dialogue.

Typically, I’ll only have a real debate with teachers who have a similar level of experience, because otherwise it’s more of me just teaching you. If you’re looking for that, I offer paid online training.

So, if you’d like to open a discussion with me and have less than 10 years of experience as an instructor-trainer, make sure you have:
1. Above average communication skills.
2. A robust argument or interesting point.
3. Credentials and/or some level of notability.

Please, do not be offended if I don’t respond to a challenge. Again, the limitations must be made because of my schedule.

Why don’t you answer every question asked by your 100K+ Followers?
I wish I had time to answer every question and answer as many as time permits. I’ve replied to and answered thousands of questions since 2011 and most of the questions asked I have already answered somewhere in a public forum, which I ask you take the time to search before asking me to take time away from raising my two young men to help raise you.