The 12 Traits of a Warrior Part 1: The Hard Traits [Podcast]
As a proud father of two amazing young men I was honored last year to be featured on the The Good Dad Podcast. Back then, I talked about the lessons that I learned in the SEAL Teams and how it relates to being the best father I can be. It happens to be the #2 most listened to episodes and now I’m back for a new installment and a shot at the #1 spot!
In this episode, Larry and I talk about The 12 Traits of a Warrior that you need to have in order to lead a balanced life. This is the same concept that I teach to my online members to help them learn how to shoot and now I want you to have these in your skillset as well.
Here’s the first half of the 12 traits:
- Confidence
- Strength
- Aggressiveness
- Discipline
- Being Active
- Bravery
You’ll also learn:
- How you can use the warrior mindset to learn more quickly
- What each of the hard trait means
- What are the soft traits and how it balances the hard traits
- What warrior traits can be applied in everyday life
- How to grow a set of N.U.T.S. (non-negotiable unalterable terms)
- Why mental strength is superior to physical strength
- Why being aggressive is essential
- Why taking action is crucial
- What bravery really means
- How to teach your kids these warrior skills
- and more
This is a two part series, stay tuned for the next episode.