Chris Sajnog's Take on FrogLube: A Comprehensive Review

FrogLube Review: Enhance Gun Cleaning for Rust-Free Shooting!

Hey, what’s up, everybody! In this post, I’m going to be talking about my FrogLube review and sharing how this revolutionary product transformed my gun cleaning routine, ensuring smoother, rust-free shooting experiences. Let’s go ahead and get started.

I can tell you one thing Navy SEALs do not enjoy doing…cleaning their guns. I’m on that list. But if you like shooting like I do, cleaning weapons is a necessary evil. I used to spend many hours cleaning my guns until I was introduced to a new product at a local gun show — FrogLube. This stuff has changed the way I clean my guns.

FrogLube’s Unique Formula: A Biobased CLP

FrogLube is a biobased cleaner, lube, and protectant (CLP) made from food-grade ingredients. It’s petroleum-free (and actually smells good!) and works by actually absorbing metal pores. It cleans at room temperature and dissolves carbon and active corrosion on contact. Unlike other lubes, it will not “bake on” during firing. FrogLube drastically reduces my cleaning time, eliminates friction, and provides lasting protection from rust.

Next, in this FrogLube review, I feel like a spokesman…but I’m not. This is just one of those products you use and want to tell people about. After I used it on a few of my guns for about a month of shooting, I threw away all my other cleaning supplies. The only thing I have in my cleaning box now is FrogLube.

Chris Sajnog

Simple Application: Following FrogLube’s Easy Directions

The directions that come with the product are fairly simple. First, you clean all the other products off your gun and then warm your gun up. I’ve used ten minutes of sunlight and a hair dryer when I did it at night. After warming the gun, I slathered the stuff on and put it away. I wiped off the excess when I got to the range and started shooting. Although I was basically shooting a “dry gun,” the weapon’s action was unbelievably smooth and I never had any jams.

I’ve seen FrogLube for sale at a few local gun shops, so you should be able to find it easily. I bought mine at the last gun show here in San Diego and talked the guy down a few bucks (don’t buy anything at a gun show for what they ask!).

Spend more time shooting and less time cleaning!

Alright, so that is it for today. I hope you got some value out of this FrogLube review, and if you have any questions or experiences to share, feel free to drop them in the comments below. Stay tuned for more insights on optimizing your gun maintenance and enhancing your shooting experience, and keep paving your path to perfection!



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Chris Sajnog


  1. Thank you very much for this information. I checked the site for frog lube and haven’t found if there are negative side effects to using it with sentry solutions products.Do you know if there are any ?With thanksSharon.

  2. Sharon,I sent this question to the owner of FrogLube and here is the response:We looked into it, that product is moly disulfide. We discussed it with our technical people, & our opinion is that the individual will likely end up choosing one or the other. Although they will work together in the beginning, the MS will ultimately be dissolved by the FrogLube. FrogLube likes to consume other carbon based substances – it is a very aggressive cleaner. I’d almost predict that the user will discover degraded performance the more he tries to force the use of both. Almost everyone ends up ditching all the other stuff they were formerly usingI hope this helps answer your question. I use FrogLube on all my weapons and couldn’t imagine using anything else. If you already have the sentry solutions products on your gun, it looks like you might have to choose…

  3. Just wanted to let you know that there are a couple of other handy things out there that help and work well with it also. I have tried it with another product called Dyna Gun Shield which I sell and it works like a champ. Since the Gun Shield is not a carbon based material it will not disappear over time as other coatings materials will. I stumbled on FL a couple of months ago and purchased some via and it cleared up a lubrication problem I was having with an old Winchester Model 94 lever action. Since then I have started changing all my hunting rifles and pistols over to the FL as the lube of choice…plus my wife doesn’t give me grief about the odor.

  4. There’s a huge page a testimonials from satisfied users (including US Navy SEALs) of frog lube on that website, sounds like a very useful product, I’ll be trying it out, thanks for the heads up.

  5. ChrisI want to know can I use Frog Lube to clean and LUBRICATE a Springfield M1A, normally you are supposed to use Lubriplate or axle grease. Can I substitute Frog Lube for the grease and fire my weapon with out increased wear or damage. Would I use the paste or the liquid and how often should I reapply it.

  6. BonedokterYes, you can (and should) use FrogLube for everything and you will not have increased wear. In fact, you will have decreased wear. Clean everything else off with hot water and alcohol. Get all other chemicals off. Then warm up gun and scrub FL into metal. Use it each time you shoot. My gun cleaning takes 2 minutes now…great stuff!

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