A man in the forest searching for top firearms blogs on his laptop

Top 10 Firearms Training Blogs and Websites

Yes, I know it’s still early in 2015, but every year I release a list of the top firearms blogs that I have found (or have continued to read) over the past year. These guys are starting out of the gate with both guns blazing! These are sites that I find valuable in some way and think that if you’re at all like me, you’ll find them a valuable part of your arsenal.

Firearms Training Blogs

So just how do I choose which sites make the cut? One way is other website and firearms training blogs owners tweet and email me suggestions (and I’m always open to more input). But the truth is, even after I check them out, I only include sites I actually read — making this list an extension of myself and my training philosophy. I look for sites that are well organized, unique in in their own way and provide value for my valuable time.

Yes, many of these sites I have been following for well over a year and some of them I write for when I have time. But the only reason I would spend the time to read them or write one of my articles for another site is because I actually enjoy them myself

This list does not cover every blog or website that I visit, but it does cover all the ones I check at least once a week. Check them out when you have time, and I hope they benefit you the way they have me.

Top Firearms Blogs

ITS Tactical

Screenshot of ITS Tactical website

Not that these are in order, but ITS Tactical (Imminent Threat Solutions) is at the top of my list because it’s the only industry blog that really includes something for everyone. I’ve been lucky enough to write several articles for Bryan Black, the Editor in Chief, and ITS kinda feels like a home away from home. One of the best parts about the site is the community that Bryan and his team have built over the past five years. You don’t just feel like an outsider reading the posts but part of a community of like-minded patriots.​

Joel Lambert

Screenshot of Joel Lambert website

Fellow frogman and friend Joel Lambert started a great blog in 2014, and I was honored to be asked to be his resident firearms training expert for the site. Joel is the star of the Discovery channel’s Lone Target/Manhunt and he shares his expertise with others on his eclectic site. I like the other articles on the site because many of them have nothing to do with firearms training. There are a variety of other related topics I normally wouldn’t even think about but are valuable and interesting.

Everyday, No Days Off

Screenshot of Everyday No Days Off website

The blog by Mike from ENDO features firearm-related videos he finds online. If Tosh.O did a firearms show, this is what it would look like. I love Mike’s articles and sense of humor. He generally finds videos of people doing stupid things with guns and opens up a discussion. Sometimes the comments are as good or better than the article.

The Firearm Blog

Screenshot of The Firearm Blog website

The top firearms blog is one of the first blogs on the subject and primarily covers guns, ammo and gear. They have multiple authors from a variety of backgrounds, so they are able to put out many articles per week. The majority of the articles are about new weapons, the latest gun reviews and equipment. If you’re into keeping up with the latest guns and gear, this is the place to find it.

NRA Blog

Screenshot of NRA Blog  website

This is the official blog of the National Rifle Association. The blog covers upcoming events, announcements, national firearm-related news and editorials about competitions and exhibitions. To keep up with 2nd amendment rights, this is the first and last stop.

The Truth About Guns

Screenshot of The Truth About Guns website

Robert Farago founded The Truth About Guns in February of 2010 to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns. I really like the no-BS attitude they write with and how the truth and facts are held in the highest regard. The topics are broad and the writing is entertaining.


Screenshot of Amazon website

Although it’s not dedicated to firearms training, Amazon is the first place I look for educational material when I’m researching for a new book or learning new training theories or methods. Many, if not most, of the books I read to improve myself as an instructor have nothing to do with firearms training and the search ability and selection have helped me find resources I never would’ve found on my own. They also have good deals and free shipping (I have Amazon Prime) on all kinds of tactical gear and training aids.


Screenshot of Guns.com website

Guns.com is a great source for news, featured stories and articles related to firearms. This is one of the best places to keep up to date on what’s happening in the world of guns. I stopped watching the news after Obama was re-elected, so it’s great to have a site I can check to make sure I know what’s going on in the news with firearms-related issues.

Blue Sheepdog

Screenshot of Blue Sheepdog website

A sheepdog is someone who looks after the lambs and protects them from the wolves. The site is written for the men in blue (police) by men in blue (police), but the information is good for anyone who trains with or uses firearms. They have great training articles, gear reviews, and other law enforcement related posts to help both LEOs and self-defensive shooters alike.


Screenshot of Pistol Training website

Although Todd does not come from either a military or law enforcement background, he’s accumulated plenty of time training both and his experience and passion for training shows in his blog. Pistol-Training.com is for anyone involved in teaching or learning about pistol shooting, whether it is for competition, law enforcement training, or self-defense. His site is really well organized and features articles with shooting drills and exercises and gear reviews. The best part is a collection of different shooting drills that you can download and try out on the range.

Please check out these sites when you have time to kill and make sure you sign up for their newsletters and follow them on social media.

What top firearms blogs and websites are you following?

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Chris Sajnog

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