Tactical Shooting Drills – 5 Best Shooting Drills Tips
Hi, I’m retired Navy Seal, Chris Sajnog, the author of Navy SEAL Shooting, and one of the top 20 most frequently asked questions I get is, “What are the best tactical shooting drills?”
5 Best Tactical Shooting Drills
#1 Standard Drills Delay Our Mastery
Shooting drills are one of the most interesting topics that I talk about because I actually don’t like them. Reason number one is that standard drills and benchmarks delay our mastery. This is because what you have is this standard that you think is normal for everybody.
If you know the story about the four-minute mile, everybody thought there was no way to break the four-minute mile in running. But once somebody did it, everybody after that started beating that they started beating that time easily. It’s going to be the same thing when it comes to shooting.
#2 Drills Need To Be Specific
Number two is any drills that you do use, they need to be based on your environment, your shooting goals, and your current skill level. All of those things are changing. What I want to do with my shooting will be different from what you want to do. So a drill that I do may not be right for you.
For example, you don’t want to practice shooting at seven yards here if there’s no place in your house where there are even seven yards where you could shoot. So think about your environment and where you want to go in your shooting.

#3 Design Your Own Drills
All right, next in these tactical shooting drills is to define the areas that you need to improve on and design your own drills after that. Think about the areas where you need to improve the most and design a drill on your own. It’s not that hard.
That way, you’re going to get a lot better a lot faster, and you’re going to get better at the things you need to get better at, not what somebody else tells you.
#4 Focus On Practice
Alright, number four is to focus on your practice and not a time or a score. When I teach training, I talk about how lead and lag measures are the things you want to measure. When it comes to training specifically, you want to measure your lead measures.
Lead measures are things that happen before an event. Lag measures happen after. When it comes to firearms training, the lead is before the gun goes bang, and the lag is after the gun goes bang.
After the gun goes off, you cannot control what happens anymore. You need to focus on the things you can change. You can change and adjust your practice before the gun goes off.
But if you’re focusing solely on time and score, so many things can happen that are out of your control. After that point, well, you’re not going to get better, you’re gonna get frustrated.
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#5 Drills Should Evolve
Alright, so number five is as you evolve, your drills need to evolve as well. Every single time that you train, you are not the same shooter as you were before. This is why long training plans don’t work out very well.
Things happen and change as you evolve as a shooter. You need to think about if your drills are taking you where you need to go, if not, then change them. Realize you are not the same shooter you were before you train each and every time.
Alright, so that is it for today’s FAQ. Keep these five ideas in mind when searching for the best tactical shooting drills. And please check out my other 19-five and under-five FAQ posts to continue paving your path to perfection.