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Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club review by Chris Sajnog

Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club- Tasting and Product Review

In this article, I am going to discuss health and fitness and will be talking about my favorite brain fuel: The Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club. Every cell in your body needs fat to build itself. Almost every health expert will tell you that one of the best fats is olive oil. But there’s a…

First aid using SMART Emergency Medicine to check the Airway

How to Check the Airway: SMART Emergency Medicine Series

I came up with smart emergency medicine which stands for scene safe, massive bleeding, airway, reassess, and then transport. Smart is a simple, effective system that you can use to treat any medical situation before medical personnel arrives or the person can be brought to a hospital. If you haven’t read the previous post on finding…

First aid using Chris Sajnog's SMART Emergency Medicine

First Aid for Massive Bleeding: S.M.A.R.T. Emergency Medicine

In this post, I’m going to be covering the M in smart medicine, massive bleeding. So stick around for this life-saving information about first aid for massive bleeding. I came up with smart emergency medicine which stands for scene safe, massive bleeding, airway, reassess, and then transport. Smart is a simple and effective system to…

Chris having an amazing life because of these 5 awesome wellness tips

Daily Wellness Tips for Building an Amazing Life

What’s up everybody, retired Navy Seal Chris Sajnog here, and in this post, I want to share with you five things that you should be doing every single day if you want to have an awesome life. Let’s go ahead and talk about these daily wellness tips. So we’ve all been there before, you’re paving your…

Chris Sajnog and his review on LAPG

Is the Scene Safe? SMART Emergency Medicine Guide

Hey guys what’s going on retired Navy Seal, Chris Sajnog here. In this post, I’m going to cover the first step in providing smart emergency medicine, making sure is the scene safe?  So I came up with Smart Emergency Medicine, which stands for scene safe, massive bleeding, airway, reassess, and then transport. Smart is a…

Chris Sajnog teaches how to be like a warrior

Live Like a Warrior: Pave your Path to Perfection

Living like a warrior is a mindset. A lot of people think when say “live like a warrior”, they think of just war. And what it really means, or what it means when I say it, is that you love something and that you’re willing to fight for it.  Live Like a Warrior What Is…

Chris Sajnog and his 5 healthy tips

Health Tips: 5 Ways to Improve Your Health by Living on the Edge

Hey, what’s up everybody, in this post, I’m going to be talking about Health Tips: 5 ways for you to improve your health by living on the edge. Let’s go ahead and get started. My Experience So I’ve been involved in health and fitness for about 35 years now. When I was 16 years old,…

Chris lying in his bed and sharing his sleep hygiene routine.

Sleep Hygiene Tips for Better Sleep from A Retired Navy S.E.A.L.

Hey Everybody! Chris Sajnog here, and today in this post I want to make a case for the importance of sleep and provide you with Sleep Hygiene Tips. Alright, let’s talk about my top seven ways to get a better night’s sleep. 7 Sleep Hygiene Tips #1 Consistent Sleep Schedule All right, number one on…