Learning to shoot any firearms with Retired Navy SEAL Chris Sajnog
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SEAL Firearms Training – Learn to Shoot Like a Navy SEAL

Hey guys, I’m Chris Sajnog, Best Selling Author of Navy SEAL Shooting. Today I want to talk to you about SEAL firearms training, the most money and time-effective way to learn to shoot like a Navy SEAL. Common Mistakes Some people make the mistake of spending too much time at the range which results in…

Chris Sajnog explains how updating law enforcement training could significantly reduce shootings.
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How a Simple Fix to Law Enforcement Training Could Reduce Shootings

I know this will sound too stupid to be true, but indulge me: Google “NRA Official Qualification Target” or “LE Qualification target”. Or you can even Google “What target will I shoot at for my concealed carry permit?” You will see the unarmed silhouettes of humans. These qualification targets were not designed and are not…